(Click on the card below for a personal profile
of Carol Panza.)

No matter how successful, every company has opportunities to
perform better, to achieve even more. Can any company afford to
wait until competition is on its doorstep or performance problems
become the central focus for management? There are always ways
to save time or cost, to produce higher quality with existing
resources or build customer loyalty through better service and
by responding to customer feedback . . . particularly in HEALTHY
Gaining the competitive edge, and contributing true value-added
on the part of management means looking for opportunities and
finding ways to perform beyond just good.
What do we do?
CMP Associates is a management consulting firm specializing
in the analysis and custom design of improvement strategies for
business. The important word here is analysis. We are NOT OFFERING
an answer in search of a question or an off-the-shelf solution
like a training session in interpersonal skills or communication.
Before implementing any solution, you first need to ask yourself
what changes or performance impact you will measure and how that
relates back to the solution?

We ARE OFFERING proven ability to identify OPPORTUNITIES
for improvement, and to custom-design solutions such as:
Organization mapping is a very effective tool which we use
extensively for organization analysis and opportunity identification:

Three (3) very fundamental concepts differentiate our approach
to performance improvement. These concepts are conspicuously missing
from Total Quality Management (TQM) and Business Process Re-engineering
(BPR). They make our approach effective while hindering those
who fail to apply them. The concepts include:

Who have we worked
Clients include organizations such as:

Publications include:
- Picture This . . . Your Function, Your Company . .
. by Carol M. Panza ($13 - discounted price through this
web site only) For more information on the book, click here.
- The No-Nonsense Guide to Common Sense Management
by Randolph I. James ($21.95) For more information on the book,
click here. -- To visit the James
& Associates web site, click here.
Articles (No charge for single copies.)
- "Achieving Business and Team Building Objectives Through
a Single Program" (Finalist for Outstanding P&I- Performance
and Instruction - Journal article.)
- "Building a Sales Management System"
- "Picture This"
- "Picture This, The Sequel"
- "ROI: What Should Training Take Credit For?" (Selected
for inclusion in the book entitled, Training Magazine's Best
Thinking on Performance Technology.)
- "The Use of a Full Scope Simulator in the Learning System
for a Czechoslovakian Nuclear Power Plant"
- "Beyond Total Quality Management and Business Process
- "Careful What You Ask For . . . "
- "Making A Difference"
- "Raising the Bar . . . Improving the master/model performers
in a computer help desk (call center)"

For more information?
Write, Call or E-Mail:
Carol M. Panza, CMP Associates, 66 Fanok Road, Convent Station,
NJ 07961
Phone - (973) 455-0420
E-Mail - CMP@orgmap.com
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© CMP Associates 1996. All rights reserved.
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