The No-Nonsense Guide to Common Sense Management

by Randolph I. James

Successful management doesn't require vast amounts of knowledge and ingenuity.It's really just a matter of using some common sense and a sound analyticapproach to performance improvement. This book isn't just about common sense.It outlines a simple three-step process that can be used to support organizational(or work group) efforts to improve performance. Two distinct philosophies(Performance Technology and Total Quality Mangement) have been merged intoone analytic framework that is easy to understand and use. This guide canbe used as a reference for:

general information about performance improvement
a specific methdology to support individual/group improvement efforts
detailed information about specific quality improvement tools and methods

The guide contains 33 job aids and 63+ tables and examples.This book isa must for every manager, supervisor or analyst what has the responsibilityfor improving the productivity and quality of a valued product or service.A pocket version ($4.50) is also available. To order copies of The No-NonsenseGuide to Common Sense Management:

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James & Associates, P.O. Box 1408, Orangevale, CA 95662
Phone: (916) 989-5306
Fax: (916) 989-4805
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